

Hi, I am Inderjeet, and welcome to my blog on Home and Garden. I started this blog to share my insights, tips, and experiences on various topics related to plants, shrubs, juniper and how to care indoor plants. Thank You

Protect Yourself By Hide IPv6 Address

woman coffee apple iphone

Let’s talk about why hide IPv6 addresses on Windows and android. Internet protocol has two versions, the first is IPv4 and the second is IPv6. IPv4 has been widely used for IP addresses since the 1990s. But the main problem…

How To Prevent Ransomware in Device

serious ethnic young woman using laptop at home

Individuals and organizations face a series of cyber-attacks from time to time. One of the major ones that have surely gained a massive following since the start of the pandemic is ransomware. So it is necessary to fight against how…

what is ipv4 and ipv6 in computer networks

Nat firewall

The IP address allows various devices to communicate with each other via the internet. Every device has own IP address. An IP address like a home address that is unique for every device like a computer, mobiles, etc. IP4 and…

Why Antivirus so Important for our computer

data encryption

HIGHLIGHTS why is it important to update your antivirus software?regularly? ? What is?antivirus? Generally, Antivirus is a software that helps us against to block unwanted software and services or any illegal activities in our computers. Antivirus Software is set to…