Home and Garden Blog

A blog for home decorates and gardening.

Hydroponic Lavender- Future of Indoor Gardening

hydroponic lavender

Hydroponics systems are best for growing herbs in indoor houses, especially Hydroponic Lavender. From flavor to medical benefits, herbs are the best option. Lavender is an aromatic herb known for its flavor and versatile uses. It has been used for centuries for its therapeutic properties. Lavender is not only for skin benefits…

Hydroponic Butter Lettuce-5 Quick Ways to Grow

Hydroponic Butter Lettuce

What is the right way to grow Hydroponic Butter lettuce? Lettuce is one of the best options for growing vegetables in the home. With the right technique for growing lettuce at home, it is very easy to achieve quick growth of it. Lettuce is one of my favorite veg, often I grow…

The Art of Growing Hydroponic Bonsai

green plant in blue pot

The most beautiful art of growing a tree in an indoor house. You can easily grow bonsai in a hydroponics system. There are some steps that make it very easy to grow bonsai in your home. Hydroponic is a system of growing plants without using soil. Instead of using soil, water is…

Easy way to grow hydroponic mint- 5 Tips

green plant in black pot

I often use it in my morning tea. I love mint flavor, not only tea, I use mint leaves in my dishes. So hydroponic mint helps to boost my health. There are many essential nutrients available in the hydroponic mint. It is very easy to grow in your indoor garden, you can…

Moronel Tea- Benefits, Uses, and How to Make

herbal tea

If you consume green tea, then you should know about the Moronel Tea benefits. I am sure you will be shocked to know what is benefits of moronel tea have. Moronel Tea is made from the leaves of the Moronel tree which is also known as Oronelus maximus. It is one of…

Ruby plant- Care, Tips, Where to buy

Ruby plant

When I saw the little ruby plant in the nursery, I decided to take the Ruby plant with me for my indoor garden. It looks amazing in the nursery. I am sharing a blog post for the care, how to plant, and where you can buy from your home. Not only this,…

Growing Hydroponic Raspberries: A Step-by-Step Guide

hydroponics system,Hydroponic grow trays

Can raspberries be grown in the hydroponics system? If you want to know, I will share the comprehensive guide for it. I will share the “what kind of problems you can face when growing raspberries” in a hydroponics system. Also, I will share expert opinions on selecting the right variety to provide…