

Hi, I am Inderjeet, and welcome to my blog on Home and Garden. I started this blog to share my insights, tips, and experiences on various topics related to plants, shrubs, juniper and how to care indoor plants. Thank You

Juniper Sage: Benefits and how to use

juniper sage

Juniper Sage, also called Salvia officinalis, is a flexible and fragrant herb cherished for hundreds of years. Its distinctive perfume and a myriad of advantages make it an invaluable addition to any backyard. In this article, we are going to…

Right Way to Grow Hydroponic Onions

Evergreen Bunching

Onion is one of the favorite veg of many people. Middle-income countries like India, onion is used in 99% of every dish. It affects the income of the house. Okay, if you are looking to grow onions in your home.…

best air stones for hydroponics

air stones for hydroponics

Are you into air stones for hydroponics and seeking to enhance your plant development? Air stones are important instruments for a wholesome hydroponic system. They oxygenate the water, selling sturdy root development and nutrient absorption. However, with so many choices…

Does Hydroponics Need Fertilizer

gardener, spraying, plant

As we know we use water in the hydroponics. But Hydroponics needs fertilizer, water, nitrogen, potassium, and sunlight for their growth. But in the hydroponics system, water is used instead of the soil. That is the reason plants in hydroponics…

Growing Roses indoors hydroponically

bed of red roses in bloom

If you want to grow roses hydroponically, it is a very easy process. The Hydroponics method is one of the easiest ways to grow roses indoors. You can grow without using the soil, instead of soil water is used to…